Gain Knowledge on How to Collect or Check Email Addresses

Think you have a very effective content to be shared with people and you know with whom to share you don’t have their email address or afraid that the address you have are invalid.

To every loophole there’s a way and so is with email verification. Below are some points on how someone can manually verify email address or manually collect valid email addresses to influence audience groups. This might be a critical step in augmenting your content or business.

  • Check by putting them on web address bars by adding extensions such as,  /contact-us, /contact-me, /about, /about-me, /about-us, etc.
  • Start scrutinizing with the about us or the author page or else try out the blog pages and check whether author’s name is linked or not, for further verification.
  • If the idea of checking email address is not helping you, then an Email Validation Service will surely assist you in checking your email list.
  • Facebook is a great social media platform, where everyone adds their pages whether an individual or a business company. This becomes another method of collecting or checking email addresses of different people for better usage.
  • Google is always ready to solve your problems, so simply by entering the target name, followed by “email address” will check email address is available or not.
  • Collection becomes easy, if you have a high visibility in your industry, as chances increases that people sign up to your email subscription list. You can also target some of them by a quick search of your database and save yourself from hassles.
  • Seek help from Twitter and it is simple too, but you have to make your tweet concise and compelling enough for the target to respond and this is how you can acquire some valid email addresses.
  • LinkedIn connections can take you to the realm of outreach targets. Just a little use of tool in LinkedIn’s settings will export you connection very easily, but don’t hamper this facility or else will get banned and lose the account.

These points are valid, but for the best result spend some extra bucks with the Email Validation Service and come up with the best checked and refined list ever!